TL-191: Postwar

Now, while I certainly understand that the conflict portrayed in the Turtledove series of novels was much longer, much more brutal, and much more contentious than the won that occurred IRL, I don't think that the Southern State would have turned into a version of Northern Ireland or anything like that. I would predict that a longer, more painful period of Reconstruction would have taken place instead.

This the only scenario where Reconstruction would succeed lol. In our timeline, the public grew tired of Reconstruction due to simply wanting to move on to other things, since the Confederacy was just an "insurrection" state that was barely a country. Now, after being drenched in wars and learning of Confederate genocide against negros, the public may be slightly more dedicated to a radical Reconstruction (or Reintegration) as it would prevent the possibility of the South rising again.
In real life, the Southern States went from being bloodthirsty killers of "damn Yankees" who tore down the US flag etc., to literally re-enlisting in the US military shortly after the Civil War ended and again fighting for their true country. The US was very kind toward veterans of the Civil War, and for their part, some Southern State wanted to send Congressmen and Senators back to Washington immediately after the cessation of the hostilities and move forward like the war never happened. While the Union was, understandably, not that accommodating, both sides settled their differences pretty quickly. I think that it is fair to say that the differences between the Northern State and the Southern States became focused on college athletic rivalries and similar things within a few decades (or less) of the end of the Civil War. Now, while I certainly understand that the conflict portrayed in the Turtledove series of novels was much longer, much more brutal, and much more contentious than the won that occurred IRL, I don't think that the Southern State would have turned into a version of Northern Ireland or anything like that. I would predict that a longer, more painful period of Reconstruction would have taken place instead.

There is lot of differences between OTL Southern States in 1865 and ITTL Southern States in 1944. In OTL CSA was exist only four years so Southerners hadn't time to develope deep national identitet. President during construction was Southerner and there was generally better goodwill towards the South and will to move forward. Both sides just wanted reconstruction and watch forward as unified nation. There wasn't such bitter feelings which would had made reconstruction difficult altough perhaps some level short-term distrust but nothing more.

But ITTL 1944 CSA has been independent over 80 years. There has been plenty of time to develope national identitet and make clear that they are not US Americans but CS Americans. Oldest CSA citizens were just small children when CSA flag was first time risen. CSA and USA have fought four wars each others. First two wars were victorious to CSA but it lost two last wars. There would be lot of mutual bitterness and grudge. And horrors of the Reduction and Fredomite regime wouldn't make that easier. Furthermore after good deal with Feathorston he just stabbed USA to back and invaded Ohio. These things not help increase love towards the South. Furthermore several atrocities against Southerners not help that any. Former CSA is going to become big Northern Ireland. Even the last book hinted that.
In real life, the Southern States went from being bloodthirsty killers of "damn Yankees" who tore down the US flag etc., to literally re-enlisting in the US military shortly after the Civil War ended and again fighting for their true country. The US was very kind toward veterans of the Civil War, and for their part, some Southern State wanted to send Congressmen and Senators back to Washington immediately after the cessation of the hostilities and move forward like the war never happened. While the Union was, understandably, not that accommodating, both sides settled their differences pretty quickly. I think that it is fair to say that the differences between the Northern State and the Southern States became focused on college athletic rivalries and similar things within a few decades (or less) of the end of the Civil War. Now, while I certainly understand that the conflict portrayed in the Turtledove series of novels was much longer, much more brutal, and much more contentious than the won that occurred IRL, I don't think that the Southern State would have turned into a version of Northern Ireland or anything like that. I would predict that a longer, more painful period of Reconstruction would have taken place instead.
This is the US where are they OK with occupying multiple countries and threatening civilians for reputation in the time of war. Who are heavily influenced by German mentality in war and dislike the south a lot more than they should have IOTL with multiple counts of atrocities against the southern blacks, attacking America in multiple wars, and growing survival across nearly a century.

Going to take a lot of healing and years to come to grab those national trauma and they will still be hostility towards each other, especially in the south.
TEASER: Consantinople Conference


Gone Fishin'
It's going to be some time before the 1945 post, so I've decided to post a teaser:

I know that the last book had a character remark if the US was going to enact its own version of a final solution with how many people were being shot in retaliation for Confederate Guerilla attacks.

I feel like that will still happen in this timeline and will further depopulate the south and with immigrants and Northern transplants encouraged to move there could eventually turn most of the upper south into secure areas for the US. However the Deep South will most likely be still heavily southern and there will still be pockets of the Upper South that remain culturally Southern as well.
It was when Truman gave a speech in Flordia, shortly after the election of 1944, and Micheal Pound gave the idea of genociding the CSA.
I see what you are saying, although I think that large scale retaliation executions were going to keep taking place but there would be no official genocide committed against the Confederates. So there would still be some good amount of depopulation of the Confederates, a lot of them would move to friendly locales in the Americas as well.

So while it might not be an official genocide with specific steps of genocidal intent committed, it could still result in large scale ethnic cleansing. Which many in the North wouldn’t be too broken up about as there is a lot of animosity between the Confederates and the Yankees in this TL. With the US of TL 191 being a somewhat hybrid of imperial Germany and Soviet Union when it comes to matters of territorial acquisition and control.

They have already shown to be in full support of ethnic cleansing with the mass deportation of Mormons to the Sandwich Isles.
Could the other African American guerrillas not connected with Cassius play a role similar to Custer as administrators?
I’m not exactly sure what you’re asking here, but I’ll answer what I think you are asking.

I definitely do believe the Afro Confederate Guerillas will be deputized as some sort of police force to help America keep the former Confederacy pacified.

However as for native administrators they United States will probably have to heavily pull from native White Confederates that were opposed to Featherston’s rule. As the Afro Confederate community was very effectively disbarred from higher learning, with the exception of Clergy, in the Confederacy.

The group that is going to suffer the most retaliation executions will be the Euro Confederates in the Lowland Mainland south as that population will have the most reason to perform Guerilla actions. Although I expect there to be hard times for Confederate Sequoyah, Chihuahua, Sonora and Cuba as well.

The United States government is not going to be very gentle, in fact they are being depicted as quite brutal in regards to rebel pacification, with the former Confederates that are seen as being most in bed with Jake Featherston. And I can see large scale retaliation executions and hostage taking to be something that takes place for a long time after the official end of the Second Great War.
A TL 191 Japan has the same problem as OTL Japan, a lack of oil. The USA can impose an embargo a la OTL and Germany can in effect do the same with its Ottoman client. "Europe needs Middle Eastern oil to run its economy so you will have to look elsewhere".

I saying that they will not get any on the open market. With the British down Persia is an obvious source. Howevver it is not in the interests of the USA and Germany with its holdings in the Far East to have a powerful Japan. Strangling its economy would be less costly than a war.
Not entirely true. TL 191 Japan has held the East Indies for decades and would have exploited the oil there. And there is the discovery of oil in Manchuria in 1959. Perhaps Japan would have discovered the Daqing Oil Field. This Japanese Empire is much more self-sufficent then OTL Japan. Im not sure if Turtledove ever mentioned how Japan maintained its empire, or whether or not the Co-Prosperity Sphere existed in his timeline