An alternate toonami history (pop culture timeline in the style of timeline 93)

14 November 1999
More weekend worries are coming to me so much so that last night i nearly pooped my pants when I had gastro but lucky that I have toonami to cure me and when I was watching it at 6:00AM and I saw this promo air
TOM 2-“Good morning toonami faithful and what a way to start off the day then saying that starting 1 July 2000 toonami will be airing a nostalgia block for old 80s action animation called anispace an untapped part of our cosmos that is home to all the old shows anispace starts 1 July 2000 at 12:30PM only toonami
consider me interested
Elvis Seymour
shout out to @Otakuninja2006 for the name
Ah, so you got the Anispace name from the Mutlithink server on Discord? Nice.
The Black Friday deal and somebody once told me the world was gonna roll me
26 November 1999
Man has shopping today been tough for my mother because there was a crowd at Walmart looking for what is called a 46%off sale and I on the other hand am not going to open that can of worms up because i want to listen to what TOM has said today while I was at school that dad just happened to record for me
TOM 2-“Black Friday has come to many people across the United States so I think the time has come for me to talk to you guys about overindulgence overindulge kind of ties in to a little thing that I hate when studio executives are when they have this thing in their head called greed it makes you not think things through due to wanting what’s best for the bottom line and when the emotion leaves you it can leave you thinking what have I done and it can cause you to do some unspeakable things for this time slot so bottom line is if you don’t want to end up sad and lonely think with your brain not with your wallet parents.-“
I am sure my dad will do that TOM.
Elvis Seymour
1 week later
4 December 1999
Neil told me today about a new movie that he has seen called Shrek and my mother has booked tickets for us to see it next Saturday so I guess this will be kind of short and see you next Saturday.
Elvis Seymour
1 week later
11 December 1999
I have now come back from watching Shrek and might I just say that the visuals of this film are great and I will now always imagine the voice of Eddie Murphy coming out of a donkey whenever I go to the farm and see a donkey and who knows I might even feed the donkey at the farm some waffles if they like it.
Elvis Seymour
there you are @THE KINGFISH light bulb animation is now a cannon studio
A weekend of normal before the wedding
27 November 1999
The Black Friday wear off period will be starting across the country today and I for one am happy that things are going to be somewhat normal again before Christmas in a few weeks time and this time instead of toonami I was watching Nick slam today and I may have discovered a new show on there that has caught my attention thanks to this promo
Announcer-“Next week on trollhunters when Enrique remains missing after quite a few weeks it will be up to Jim Clare Blinky and Arrrgh to go over to the limbo world and attempt to save him before it’s too late a new episode of Trollhunters premieres tomorrow at 7:00PM ain nickelodeon as part of slam.-“
Will be sure to check it out if there is nothing intetesting on toonami then.
Elvis Seymour
note this is the version of Trollhunters made in the 90s by light bulb animation but still created by Guillermo Del Toro @THE KINGFISH
Happy new millennium
31 December 1999
Another year is about to come to an end but this time it feels different as it feels like my life is about to change as the current millennium is about to end as well but that is not dissuading toonami from making it a big event and having new stuff come out take a listen
TOM 2-“The saying usually goes don’t be sad that it’s ending smile because it happened and here at toonami that couldn’t just be a saying that keeps us optimistic for new beginnings it is our motto especially when it comes to new shows coming to our channel like this one outlaw star premieres 17 October 2000 at 8:00PM only toonami.-“
Happy new millenium.
Elvis Seymour
The new millennium is here
1 January 2000
Happy new year and new millenium and it is kind of weird that it started on a Saturday because I am used to the new year starting on a weekday but then again that might just be me but anyway the weekend means a lot of toonami watching for me but I have been off school since the 17th of last month so I have been doing a lot of toonami watching on weekdays as well as weekends and last night the new years count down for toonami was preceded by this
TOM 2-“Looks like this is going to be the last promo that we will do for the millenium and boy do we have a big one when a 18 year old boy discovers a game that looks like a pyramid and solves it he gets the reincarnated body of an ancient Egyptian pharoh put in to his mind and after that a card game gets thrown into life saving proportions when the grandfather of the 18 year old gets trapped in a place called the shadow realm Yu-Gi-OH! premieres 18 august 2000 at 2:30PM only toonami and now join me as we bring in the new year 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 happy new year.-“
Yes it is TOM yes it is.
Elvis Seymour
On the first day of Halloween my true love gave to me
11 October 2000
So far this term has been a good one and no bullies are going to be able to hurt me as in two days time my school is going on a tour to the light bulb animation studios and while at first I had no idea who they were but the toonami teacher from last year told me that they were the studio benhind both trollhunters and Shrek and now I am extremely excited about that it’s almost like Christmas came early hope the bullies behave themselves between now and then.
Elvis Seymour
The day of the tour
13 October 2000
The day has come and what a tour it was as we started off in John Laseeter’s office and there was a lot of toys for a movie called ant farm and midway through a guy named Brad Bird paid us a visit and even showed us some reels on something that he is working on called the incredibles in hindsight it’s a good thing that light bulb animation isn’t for secrets at all because otherwise I would be placed out to dry for revealing this stuff will go there again one day.
Elvis Seymour
We are going into lockdown
14 October 2000
This weekend will be one of rest for me as this week was pretty big with occasions from my brother’s birthday on the 9th to the light bulb animation tour field trip that my school took yesterday but that is good as again as I said this weekend will be one of rest and watching toonami and at lunch there was this promo that got me interested in the next T.I.E
TOM 2-“Well this will be something that will be really traumatic for the both of us but at least we may be able to provide something that you may be able to enjoy even when we are in a lockdown lockdown premieres 1 September 2001 only toonami.-“
will be watching throughout.
Elvis Seymour
I ain’t happy I’m feeling glad
15 October 2000
Day two of my weekend long rest and while I was watching toonami again as usual I came across a game review for marvel vs capcom 2 new age of heroes that got me thinking about something that I am considering doing
TOM 2-“Picked this up while we were visting a planet saw this game at a thrift shop and thought well we gotta have marvel vs capcom 2 new age of heroes for the PlayStation 2 it‘s a pretty basic fighting game where you pick any marvel or capcom character that you want to play as and fight it out against other characters that are usually picked out at random the story stage is pretty good as well but it‘s based off of the spider man no more storyline from 1967 so don’t expect anything too deep and if you are I suggest you go somewhere else even to buy the upcoming toonami jams special edition album that comes out on 29 December 2000 toonami gives marvel vs capcom 2 new age of heroes 6/10 fatality.-“
Should I buy the album I will decide soon.
Elvis Seymour
Defenders assemble
20 October 2000
Another weekend begins yet again and for me it’s another two days of toonami watching and yet again my mind can rest at ease that TOM 2 can put in some good ideals to my head and at 11:30AM today my dad recorded this from toonami
TOM 2-“Toonami is honoured to be carrying this show isn’t it SARA?-“
and we may even possibly put it in prime time but we should possibly explain to the folks at home what we are talking about so go on ahead.-“
TOM 2-“Will do,
from the imaginative mind of animator Steve Whitmire and the studio that gave you the Rudolph Christmas special from 1964 comes a new action cartoon show that takes a lot of inspiration from stuff like the 1930s Flash Gordon serials that you were used to seeing in theatres Defenders of the Earth premieres 17 December 2000 at 6:30PM only toonami.-“
SARA-“Rev it up.-“
we won’t be intimidated by criminal threats
Interesting that the Rudolph animation studio is behind this will check it out.
Elvis Seymour
note in the universe of this timeline Steve Whitmire is an animator at rankin bass animated entertainment instead of a puppeteer and rankin bass animated entertainment is surviving into the 2020s
The countdown to defend the earth begins
3 December 2000
I can‘t believe it there are a only a few days left before defenders of the earth premieres on toonami in prime time and I cannot be anymore excited but before all of that is happening toonami made a speech about death can be natural and sad but at the same time it can be a good way to celebrate someone’s life take a listen
TOM 2-“There is a reason why we are doing this speech at 9:30PM as i initially wanted to do this speech at lunch time but the big boss Jason deemed the subject matter too heavy for lunchtime television so after a few hours I think now is the time to talk about death yeah it can be a sad occasion when someone dies especially when the cause is unexpected and the age as well not to point fingers and name names but when a certain frog I know’s puppeteer passed away we were all sad but he wanted us to view it as a celebration of his life and that might just be the general view of someone’s passing it may be a bad thing to endure but in the end it’s a celebration of someone’s life.-“
will always try to remember that.
Elvis Seymour
A few airings later
31 December 2000
The year has been a mixed bag where while yeah I got to go on a few tours like on a plane to rankin bass animated entertainment where I met the creator of defenders of the earth Steve Whitmire and on a bus to go to Light Bulb animation but also at the same time the toonami teacher moved over to another school but is still keeping in touch with me here’s hoping that next year will be better and that I can find another teacher at my current school who equally likes toonami as much as I do.
Elvis Seymour
Insert Jetix motto here
4 December 2000 (filler post)
One of the last few weeks of school has begun and it has started with a whimper rather then a bang as when I was coming in the principle told me that the toonami teacher was going to be leaving by the end of the year and I wish that teacher all the luck in the world but on the bright side I did hear about a new action block that toon Disney is going to have to compete with toonami take a listen
Announcer-“From the studio that gave us the little mermaid treasure planet and Aladdin comes a new tv endeavour that will hopefully blow your mind with violence action adventure and a bit of magic along the way Jetix premieres on toon Disney on 16 March 2001.-“
Will be intrigued to tune in to this block when it does premiere.
Elvis Seymour
note treasure planet was produced earlier and released on 27 April 1999 making it the penultimate film of the Disney renaissance
An animation reel from Ernie
6 December 2000
Well i will be blown sideways and down-ways I heard on the news that the rankin bass animated entertainment studios are experiencing a power outage so they are temporarily going to be based at Lynchburg for a bit or at the very least until they are able to get the power back and since it is my home town it’s chief creative officer Steve Whitmire paid a bit of a chance visit to my house and met me as a result he is a nice man he even got to show me some early test reels for a new Saint Patrick’s day special his studio are going to be doing called retrieve the gold and so far it looks like it could be going off without a hitch what a surprising day it has been and on top of that there was a promo for a Christmas special for the muppets called a very merry muppet christmas take a listen
Announcer-“It’s inspirational sensational holly and jolly and most of all very merry a very merry muppet Christmas premieres 25 December 2000 at 1:00PM on NBC.-“
This sure was a surprising day.
Elvis Seymour
A history lesson like no other
11 December 2000 (filler post)
The penultimate week of school has begun and I for one cannot wait for the two weeks to be over not because of many bullies wanting to get me but because when I was coming in this morning the principle told me that it was considering making one of the excursions next year a plane trip to Delaware to go to the Rankin bass animated entertainment studios and I like that idea since it will have me seeing Steve Whitmire again and I would sure like that but this day was also a day of learning for me since this is what was recorded at 11:00AM on toonami
TOM 2-“Well this here is certainly new for toonami to do you might be thinking and I can certainly agree with you but this is a test to see if it works or not and what I am talking about is this here possibly new segment called toonami fun facts the fact here that we would like to present here is did you know that Jim Henson of stuff like the muppets and dark crystal fame indirectly kick started John Lasseter’s career in animation yep back in 1978 Jim Henson along with titans like Steve Jobs George Lucas Alvyn Ray Smith and Edwin Catmull started an animation studio in California called Pixar Animation Studios which got purchased in 1987 by the Walt Disney company and with the company the studio produced a film that would prove to be ahead of it’s time but not in a good way called Toy Story that came out in 1995 and turned out to be the film that killed the studio so yeah without Jim Henson you wouldn’t have stuff like Shrek and A.N.T farm so you’re welcome.-“
interesting thing to know there.
Elvis Seymour
shout out to @TheFaultsofAlts for the idea of Pixar being owned by Disney earlier then real life
We are about to get an invader
19 December 2000 (filler post)
The year at school has now ended and I am now free to continue to watch toonami for as long as a please for as long as I also go to bed on time and I for one will always do that as long as I am able to watch defenders of the earth on toonami because since it premiered on Sunday it has quickly become my favourite show thanks to the first exposure to Flash Gordon that I got from it and when I was watching at 3:30PM I saw this promo take place
TOM 2-“I know that we have had issues with invaders in the past what with the intruder having done exactly what he says on the jar last year and all of that but I think that this here recent invader that we got here might just be a little bit more cooperative with staying well away from our ship invader zim premieres 24 august 2001 at 11:30AM only toonami.-“
Seems like something dark but that’s the norm with toonami so I might just watch it.
Elvis Seymour
note based on a conversation I had elsewhere
The trolls are coming back
22 December 2000 (filler post)
I have already been a few days into the school holidays and I am liking the new airings of defenders of the earth that toonami has been offering something interesting has come up recently when I got the heads up from a friend of mine that a new season of the show Trollhunters will be coming to nickelodeon’s slam block soon take a listen
Announcer-“Ladies and gentleman the wait is over Jim and the gang are going to investigate a new big threat that is threatening the troll world and is coming for the human world next the new season of trollhunters premieres 30 June 2001 at 1:00PM only on slam on Nickelodeon.-“
Will possibly watch it when it comes out.
Elvis Seymour
We wish Yu Yu a merry hakusho
24 December 2000 (filler post)
One more sleep until the big man in red arrives and unlike last year he is landing on a weekday and something made me feel a bit odd about that one thing happening this year but what is very much like last year is that toonami made a promo for a new show that has a bit of a collect several souls to get resurrected feel to it take a listen to this thing during the anispace block
TOM 2-“We here at toonami have a pretty good reputation for answering fan feedback like when we added the 3:00PM hour to our afternoon block of programming that currently airs extreme ghostbusters and he man and the masters of the universe from 1983 but here while we were doing our annual 48 hour Christmas marathon we got this interesting bit of fan feed back from Elliot Bean in Lake George New York greetings toonami been a long time watcher since 1998 when beast wars transformers was on in the afternoons but lately at my school my friend Nicholas Bailey has shown me this scary comic named Yu Yu hakusho and after finding out that it has an animated adaptation I thought that it would be an amazing fit for the toonami network to air so would you please make my dream come true and that is a fantastic idea so here we are for you Yu Yu hakusho premieres 5 May 2001 at 9:00PM it might be a bit late for you but who knows what kind of content is in there that’s how we do things only at toonami.-“
Nothing is too late for me.
Elvis Seymour
An animated light bulb moment
23 December 1995 (experimental filler post)
It has now officially been a month since a passion project of mine called Toy Story came out and totally crashed and burned at the box office plus on top of that it got mixed reviews where while we did try our best with the animation for the toys the humans were according to movie goers looking really plastic while they were loving how the toys were done as well as the script Randy’s excellent score the nostalgic appeal it had and the performances but I was extremely heart broken when it underperformed but now I think I am over it because I just got an offer from Jeffrey to potentially move to Virginia to form a new animation studio I will soon get back to him with my answer which I will write to you right now is yes wish me luck.
John Lasseter
New year new things to do
1 January 2001
The new year is now upon us and in terms of animated releases that means stuff like chicken little for Disney the new season of defenders of the earth by rankin bass animated entertainment several new shows by nickelodeon and most importantly the incredibles by light bulb animation which I got to see a storyboard of when my school took a tour over there last year but a new year also means of course that toonami will be gearing up for a bunch of new stuff and one of those new things will be coming sooner then expected take a listen
TOM 2-“Happy new year toonami faithful and while the concept of a new year often means switching up your look to keep yourself hip with the so called hot crowd us here at toonami ain’t really for that but what we are for is getting a new show on the air and that’s what we will be doing with this here new discovery beyblade premieres 5 April at 11:30AM only toonami.-“
as usual will watch it when it premieres.
Elvis Seymour