
  1. Historianweebnino

    What if the Mongols won at Ain Jalut and conquered Egypt?

    Everyone knows that the Mongols failed to conquer Egypt and lost at Ain Jalut in 1260 but what if that had changed? What if the Mongols had more competent leadership and successfully conquered the Mamluk Sultanate like they did with the Abbasids in Iraq or the Khwarezmians in Persia? Would we...
  2. Yom Kippur War-Decisive Israeli Victory

    The war began on 6 October 1973, when the Arab coalition jointly launched a surprise attack against Israel on the Jewish holy day of Yom Kippur. Egyptian forces crossed the Suez Canal in Operation Badr and advanced into the Sinai Peninsula; the Syrians launched a coordinated attack in the Golan...
  3. Byzantine Alexios with Crusaders reconquers all Anatolia,Antioch, Jerusalem and John reconquers Egypt

    During First Crusade's first fight the siege of Nicaea Byzantine Emperor Alexios I made the city surrender to him separately from the Crusades. This alienated them from him. That distrust led the Crusaders into a separate path of not helping Byzantium. Eventually when Alexios refused to relieve...
  4. Khedivate of Egypt conquers Ethiopia

    In Egyptian–Ethiopian War the Khedivate of Egypt Isma'il Pasha invaded the Ethiopian Empire under Yohannes IV in 1874. But the Egyptian army was ambushed by the Ethiopians at Gundet in a mountain pass . Later at Gura Egyptian demolition of trenches despite advice of foreign commander lead to...
  5. Louis IX conquers Egypt and Tunisia

    POD is that Louis IX sends scouts into Mansoura who discover the ambush there and inform him of it averting the disaster of OTL. He besieges it and destroys the enemy army. He army remains intact and later conquers Cairo thereby Egypt. Levant subsequently falls. He later launches the eight...
  6. Brita

    Romans expanding southwards instead of northwards?

    I'm not a specialist of Roman history but I've sometimes wonder if it would be plausible for Rome to have expanded into Africa rather than in Europe. Right now, I can see two possible PODs for this: Caesar isn't assassinated and eventually officially acknowledges Caesarion, who succeeds his...
  7. Fatimids and Buyids convert Arab world and Iran to Shia Islam

    What if, after seizing power in Iran and the Arab world, the Buyids and Famitids began a campaign of forced conversion against the public ? In an effort to alter the demographic landscape such that Shia Islam would eventually overtake Sunni Islam as the predominant religion in the Middle East...
  8. Fatimids and Buyids convert Arab world and Iran to Shia Islam

    Following their rise to power in Iran in the 16th century, the Safavid dynasty initiated a campaign of forced conversion against the Iranian populace, seeking to create a new demographic environment in which Shia Islam would replace Sunni Islam as the nation's religious majority. Over the course...
  9. Flavius Iulius Maiorianus

    Fate of Caesar, Parthia, and Egypt with no civil war?

    Hello all. I've been fascinated with the late Roman Republic lately. It's just such a cool era. Accordingly, I've been thinking about a surviving Roman Republic and its effects on history. After reading some posts on this thread, which argue that the Roman Republic was not doomed to collapse...
  10. Collondi

    The Two Eyes of the World: A bigger Sassanid Persia
    Threadmarks: the (re)birth of the Persian Empire (part 1)

    Hi, welcome to my first alt-history fic. This will be primarily focused on Persia, but for those of you Rome fans there will be plenty of focus on the Roman Empire too. This TL is partially inspired by this thread which I recommend you read. You may notice me in that thread, arguing that Rome...
  11. French/Crusader Victory at Mansourah, Egypt Falls? Successful Seventh Crusade?

    The french had won pretty much every engagement before Mansourah, let's say that Robert of Artois decides to wait for Louis after defeating and killing Fakhr ad-din, instead of pursuing Baibars and being defeated, killed, and losing almost his entire force inside the city. Then they start to lay...
  12. Maximum amount of territory that Israel could have conquered in 1948?

    Without reaching ASB territory, what other territories could Israel have conquered in 1948? All of Gaza? The old city of Jerusalem? The ruins of Gush Etzion? Could they have conquered more territories in Judea and Samaria?
  13. Living on Ma’at: An Atenist Egypt TL
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    You arise beautiful from the horizon on heaven, living disk, origin of light. You are arisen from the horizon, you fill every land with your beauty. You are fine, great, radiant, lofty over and above every land. Your rays bind the lands to the limit of all you have made, you are the sun, you...
  14. WI; Napoleon crowns himself Pharaoh in 1798, revives ancient Egypt?

    What would happen if Napoleon's campaign in Egypt is a massive success, and as a result he rules the Nile himself (never returning to take over France) - ultimately reviving the Egyptian religion (maybe Atenism, a more monotheistic interpretation being more palatable to Europeans?) and language...
  15. FesteringSpore

    Abbasid restoration- in Egypt?

    The disastrous sack of Baghdad ended the Abbasid caliphate's existence as a sovereign, independent power. However, a nephew of the last caliph escaped into the desert before making his way to Egypt, where the Mamluks installed him as caliph. Thus the Abbasid caliphate continued in Egypt until...
  16. Any good suggestions for a Muhammad Ali Egypt TL to read?

    I can't seem to find any at all on this site. At best, they're abandoned at only maybe three chapters or they're just a footnote in someone else's story. Do you happen to have some good TLs of this type?
  17. (PC/AHC) What if the European powers didn't intervene in the Battle of Nezib?

    Muhammad Ali Pasha was the self-declared Khedive of Egypt and Sudan, altough nominally a vassal of the Ottoman Sultan, he was an indipendent ruler in his own right. He established his own dynasty and launched a series of ambitious campaigns to expand his influence and control over the Ottoman...
  18. morsta99

    What if Rome Never Rose?

    173 CE - I’ve been doing a project for a while now on What if Rome Never Rose? And I’ve kinda developed a scenario out where a Parthian-Ptolemaic rivalry develops. However now I’m at a pivotal point where a foreign conqueror from Arabia known as Idil ‘The Conqueror’ has now rose to change Arabia...
  19. Coqui

    Creating a Qattara Sea or Forest?

    In the 1970s and early 1980s, there were several proposals, mainly by German companies, to construct a tunnel connecting the the Qattara Depression, in Egypt, to the Mediterranean, creating an inland sea in the Sahara. This project proposed to use 213 H-bombs, with yields of one to 1.5 megatons...
  20. imperiusdamian

    Living Forever Like Ra - a Dynastic Egypt Timeline
    Threadmarks: chapter 1

    This is my first attempt at a timeline. I love ancient Egyptian history and am forever fascinated by the idea of how things might have gone. Let me know what you think! Chapter 1: The Unsteady Crown April, 1186 BCE (Gregorian Calendar) The crowns still feeling heavy and unsteady on his head...