abraham lincoln

  1. GameBawesome

    What if John Wilkes Booth trips

    In a tavern near Ford's Theatre, Booth was having several drinks, prepping himself up for what he was about to do. He then entered Ford's Theater and maneuvered his way to the Presidental Box. Once inside the hallway, after making his way to Lincoln's box, he pulls out his derringer pistol and...
  2. TheDetailer

    Cassius M. Clay as Abe’s Vice President in 1860?

    What if the famous and tough as nails abolitionist Cassius M. Clay was somehow nominated as Abraham Lincoln’s running mate in the 1860 election instead of Hannibal Hamlin? What would happen?
  3. Democratic Party without Solid South by 40 acres and mule implemented

    What if Radical Republicans got what they wanted and gave 40 acres and mule to former slaves along with capital and equipment to farm. Andrew Johnson never becomes President. Radical Republicans successfully redistribute planter lands among former slaves. This prevents the Solid South from...
  4. What if Abraham Lincoln Survived and Escaped?

    Would Have John Booth Wilks failed kills Abraham Lincoln and Abraham Lincoln Escaped? Would Have Andrew Johnson and Woodrow Wilson Never came president after Lincoln Survived and Escaped? Would Have Abraham Lincoln passing bill Civil Rights Act 1866 black people voting after Lincoln Survived...
  5. What would Reconstruction look like had Lincoln lived?

    Would Lincoln have began building a base of Republicans in the South who were willing to play ball, from former Cotton Whigs and Unionists? What rights would he seek to give to African Americans and what limits would they be? Would this be enough to have Republicans win in the South at the...
  6. Onedotman

    1864: Our United States of America
    Threadmarks: Chapter One: The Choice of the Nation

    For the past three years, the United States of America has been embroiled in its most serious sectional crisis to date - the Civil War. Such a war has turned state against state, brother against brother, father against son. Abraham Lincoln - the nation's leader - has proven to be a leader...
  7. Onedotman

    Lincoln the Socialist

    A scenario I've been brewing for a while: Lincoln escapes his assassination unscathed and proceeds to serve his second term. His proto-socialist views IOTL would be even more radicalized as he get to witness the plight of white laborers and freedmen alike. After finishing his presidency, Lincoln...
  8. WI: Earlier Abraham Lincoln presidency in 1850

    So let's say Lincoln is somehow nominated by the Whig Party in 1848 as Zachary Taylor's running mate and they win the election of 1848. After that, Taylor does his milk and cherries thing and dies in 1850, being succeeded by Abraham Lincoln as president. What would his presidency be like, and...
  9. What if Lovell Rousseau was chosen as Lincoln's running mate, then he became president after Lincoln's death?

    Lovell Rousseau was a Union General from Kentucky who apparently was one of the potential running mates of Abraham Lincoln. What if he was chosen and became President after the assassination of Lincoln? Would he be better than Andrew Johnson? How different would the United States be?
  10. ACB3C0_

    Lincoln gets Cozumel?

    On March 4, 1861, Abraham Lincoln stated in a State of the Union address the viability of a federal territory for African-Americans in the United States. In the belief of Lincoln and the Union government at the time, the purchase of any land can help African-Americans live in a free society away...
  11. Retiarius

    When was the best time to have the American Civil War?

    This might just be a piece of off-topic ban-bait induced by an unbalanced media diet of American history documentaries and The Good Place, but hear me out. When would be the ideal time to have the American Civil War, from the perspective of reducing human suffering? On the one hand; slavery...
  12. Sarthak

    To be In Dixie: A Graphic Timeline on the CSA
    Threadmarks: OP + Map.

    To Be in Dixie Welcome to the World of 'To be in Dixie', a timeline that is meant to attack on the overly troped 'extremely successful CSA' or 'excessively idiotic and stupid CSA' cliches. This will try to show what would be an organic and proper development of a country, that has won its...
  13. Meshakhad

    General Abraham Lincoln

    Here's a timeline idea I've been kicking around for a while: Abraham Lincoln goes into the military, becomes a career officer, and ends up as the top Union commander in an alternate Civil War. There are a few aspects to this potential timeline: 1. What sort of general could Lincoln have been...
  14. Mr A

    The Stars Fly High: An America That Stands By It Founding Ideals

    The Stars Fly High Time is never-ending, our universe is but one of many. Outside the restraints of our known Galaxy is multiple realities connected together in one great blanket of existence. Across this great blanket of reality lays infinite possibilities. Every question that could ever be...
  15. AltoRegnant

    DBWI: Lincoln Was Assassinated?

    Shortly after the American Civil War, there was an attempt on President Lincoln's life by John Booth. But the actor got cold feet and failed to fire, eventually leading to his arrest and enabling the President to carry out his term. Now, Lincoln has been criticized for his re conciliatory views...
  16. Sean McKnight

    Grant Shot at Ford's Theater
    Threadmarks: The Grant Assassination

    On the evening of April 14th, 1865 President Lincoln and the First Lady attended the play Our American Cousin, just five days after Robert E. Lee’s surrender at Appomattox. Also in attendance was General Ulysses S. Grant, who went ahead with his plan to join the President despite a desire to...
  17. WI: No Abraham Lincoln

    Hey all, before I begin, I just want to say that I sincerely hope everyone is staying safe and healthy in this time of crisis! So, Abraham Lincoln, before he became the 16th President of the United States of America was a self-taught lawyer and low-level Illinois politician serving in the State...
  18. WI: Democratic Party Splits in the 1864 Election

    Say the Democratic Party in the 1864 election splits with the Pro-War faction supporting George McClellan and the Copperheads running their own candidate. Now in OTL Lincoln won the election in a landslide and gained a majority in both the House and the Senate, so a split Democratic party is...
  19. Blood Red Cotton- A Confederate Timeline
    Threadmarks: The Dixie Revolution/Introduction

    Blood Red Cotton- A Confederate TL Chapter One: The Dixie Revolution/Introduction Well, for a start, I suppose that I ought to introduce this TL a bit more fully. There are a great number of fantastic CSA timelines on this site, and I hope to “throw my hat in the ring”, so to speak. In...
  20. WI: Stephen A. Douglas Lives

    In 1861, after the outbreak of the American Civil War, Senator Stephen A. Douglas died of typhoid fever at the age of 48. Before his death Douglas had advised President Lincoln on the war effort and traveled the Midwest attempting to mobilize popular support for the Union. What if Douglas had...