What Mistress Boleyn Wants (Mistress Boleyn Gets)

As a DnD player, I both love and hate Gaming Dice. They allow us to experience wonderful things, but they will betray you every possible chance they can get!
While I don't always l Iike the outcome here; I love the challenges presented by them. It forces me to adapt, just like in real life.
I rolled on the girls I found, but the GD do not want Marie's son to deviate from OTL. Asked too soon. However, the newly-widowed Duke of Northumberland needs a new wife. [He's got, I believe - I'm too lazy to go get the folder - only one son left.]
I've been down with a migraine for what seems FOREVER. Had one day of peace and now the bastard is back!!!!

I'm trying to figure out who poor Algernon should wed. The wedding wiil be between six and eighteen months after his wife's death. I'm just thinking in a post. Haven't rolled the Dice on anything.

Algernon will have his 25th birthday in 1550. [It seems like he should older, ya know?

I've idly thought about Lady Christina Gray [OTL Jane]; she will be 12 in October. (I can hear ya'll "eeewwwwing" from here, shush your mouths, we're in the middle of the 16th century, remember. Her mother Frances, eldest daughter of the Duke of Suffolk is married to Henry, 3rd Marquess of Dorset and both are very ambitious.

I was going to put up a couple of others up and dicuss their pros and cons, but it's taken nearly hour for this last paragraph. The meds are kicking! I'm happy.

If anyone with ideas can post others [marriage date change or the marriage forgone, death postponed - or, in th e case of an inconvenient hubby, brought forward.]

Post here or pm me. Post here would probably be best.
Wait, what? The first thing I write is I'm having little respite from chronic migraines and I get LIKES?!? Yikes!

Not serious. Both vandevere & Ogrebear are faithful readers [and correcters of my errors. 🤭]