Combined Nine Years, Great Turkish, Great Northern Wars with failed glorious revolution and French Eugene of Savoy

In 1683 the Ottoman Empire invaded the Holy Roman Empire and besieged Vienna. Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Rest of Holy Roman Empire came to the rescue of the Habsburgs. The allies destroyed the Ottoman Army at Vienna. Eventually Russian joined them. Their offensives collapsed the Ottoman Army in Eastern Europe. To rescue his Ally Louis XIV of France started the Nine Years War by invading Rhineland. But Ottoman Hungary was permanently reconquered by Habsburg armies lead by Price Eugene of Savoy. Louis XIV invasion was repulsed by England entering the War. England entered the because of Glorious revolution overthrew the James II because he was Catholic in favour of William the Protestant ruler of Netherlands. Later the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth and Russian Empire invaded the Swedish Empire. Reeling from it's defeat in the previous war the Ottoman Empire could not intervene to stop it's enemies from becoming more powerful. What if France and Sweden invaded the Rhineland and Lithuania simultaneously along with the Ottoman invasion of Holy Roman Empire with James II remaining Protestant and Eugene of Savoy becoming French general ? OTL James II converted to Catholicism during his exile in France. POD is that Louis XIV prevents this to retain him as a potential candidate to the English throne. OTL when Eugene was in France his request for commission was rejected by Louis XIV because he was seen as unfit. POD is that Louis XIV commissions him eventually promoting as a General and sends him as a military attaché to the Ottoman invasion. France did have alliance with Sweden but Louis XIV alienated Charles XI of Sweden in the negotiations to end the Scanian War. POD is Louis XIV doesn't do that in order to retain the alliance with Sweden. With these PODs Louis XIV organizes an alliance with Sweden and the Ottoman Empire and when Ottoman Empire attacks Vienna, France invades Rhineland and Sweden invades Lithuania. This diverts Imperial and Polish Lithuanian relief forces leaving Habsburgs alone. James II remaining Protestant significantly dents support for William of Orange averting the Glorious Revolution. This keeps England out of Wars in Europe for now.
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Too many unrelated PODs, plus some false ideas. Not all the PODs are realistic.

France did not start the 9 YW intentionally, and it was not to assist the Ottomans. A few years earlier, Louis XIV refrained from going to war with Austria because it was unseemly to war with a Catholic nation while that nation was fighting the non-Christian turks. He won't start a war here for that same reason. He blundered into the war by miscalculating the response of the Grand Alliance/League of Augsburg, who he expected to roll over and capitulate while France nibbled away with a little expansion/consolidation of prior expansion. They didn't roll over, but instead surprised France with the speed and magnitude of their response. France was very expansionist, which alarmed all the neighbors. Should Louis choose to strike a year, or two, earlier, when Austria is fully occupied by the Ottomans, the war goes as planned, with a quick French victory. This only further alarms everyone, and France will find itself on its own for the next conflict, just as it was OTL in 9YW. No one is joining France to help France become even more dominant in Europe. The flip side is that France will be in much better shape for the next conflict (such as War of Spanish Succession), as they haven't used up so much energy in 9 years of war.

A James II who is not Catholic is not automatically a French ally. OTL, he needed a Catholic friend because of the backlash against his own pro-Catholic policies. He'd be alarmed at the expansion of Catholic France, and more likely to side with his daughter, Mary, who is married to Dutch Stadtholder William. The Glorious Revolution actually diluted the Alliance, by using up a lot of Dutch resources in the effort, and diverted a lot of English resources in fighting the GR. Here, all those resources are available to stop the Catholic expansion, which might be enough to prevent a quick French victory, but not enough to turn the tide. If James keeps England neutral, the Dutch probably don't have enough by themselves to stop the French.

Eugene might be given a French army commission, but no guarantees he'll have opportunity to rise to the top. He's still a quality military mind, but his training/experience will be different, and if he doesn't have opportunity, he may well remain a lower/mid level officer. OTL, he wasn't a real difference maker til late in the 1690's.
Should Louis choose to strike a year, or two, earlier, when Austria is fully occupied by the Ottomans, the war goes as planned, with a quick French victory. This only further alarms everyone, and France will find itself on its own for the next conflict, just as it was OTL in 9YW. No one is joining France to help France become even more dominant in Europe.
No this will allow France to create a counter alliance with Sweden and Ottoman Empire. This is important because the Ottoman Empire will keep the Habsburgs from fighting France by keeping their Army busy in the East and Sweden will keep Habsburg allies in East from aiding it against the Ottoman Empire
A James II who is not Catholic is not automatically a French ally. OTL, he needed a Catholic friend because of the backlash against his own pro-Catholic policies. He'd be alarmed at the expansion of Catholic France, and more likely to side with his daughter, Mary, who is married to Dutch Stadtholder William. The Glorious Revolution actually diluted the Alliance, by using up a lot of Dutch resources in the effort, and diverted a lot of English resources in fighting the GR. Here, all those resources are available to stop the Catholic expansion, which might be enough to prevent a quick French victory, but not enough to turn the tide. If James keeps England neutral, the Dutch probably don't have enough by themselves to stop the French
Regardless of his religion. James II will still be autocratic which will keep him conflict with Parliament and by extension the English upper class thereby preventing him using his resources against anyone Europe because those will be spent against rivals in his own Kingdom.
Eugene might be given a French army commission, but no guarantees he'll have opportunity to rise to the top. He's still a quality military mind, but his training/experience will be different, and if he doesn't have opportunity, he may well remain a lower/mid level officer. OTL, he wasn't a real difference maker til late in the 1690's
He may become important in the Ottoman invasion creating more prestige in France. Thereby gaining command of an Army later in the War and eventually becoming very important in the coming War of Spanish succession.
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No this will allow France to create an Anti alliance with Sweden and Ottoman Empire. This is important because the Ottoman Empire will keep the Habsburgs from fighting France by keeping their Army busy in the East and Sweden will keep Habsburg allies in East from aiding it against the Ottoman Empire

Regardless of his religion. James II will still be autocratic which will keep him conflict with Parliament and by extension the English upper class thereby preventing him using his resources against anyone Europe because those will be spent against rivals in his own Kingdom.

He may become important in the Ottoman invasion creating more prestige in France
I disagree.

But, accepting your scenario as valid (which is unlikely, but also isn't ASB)....

The French/Rhineland theater is going to be over in a blink of the eye, leaving France the absolute top dog on the continent. They were already top dog, OTL, but here, they're going to be more powerful. Louis probably gets even greedier, pushing for more. The alliance against him will be weaker, so he'll get his way. The WoSS is a hands down French victory (IF anyone dares opposing France). With so much going differently, the Bourbon die-off in 1711/12 is likely butterflied, and Spain/France will be friends (unlike OTL)

The Habsburgs are finished as a power. Prussia rises as a power, filling the vacuum left by the collapse of Austria.

Sweden and Russia will be the hotspot. Ottomans should be able to handle their rivalry with Russia.

France likely consolidates their position of extreme power and minimizes assistance/alliance to both Sweden and the Turks. France does not want other big dogs anywhere near them.

France still has a navy, and will maintain it, allowing them to hold on to, and expand, their colonial empire. France will, at minimum, share Rupert's Land, but will be in a position to possibly take all of it. France will hold dominance in Acadia.

During the great famines of the mid 1690s and early 1700s, France will have the resources and ability (not being in a constant state of war) to deal with it, meaning millions of dead Frenchmen are available to build the French Empire.

In the unlikely event that Louis is satisfied with his gains (although, apparently Louis is a bit wiser here), he has resources and manpower to make proper colonies of New France. Say goodbye to the USA.

In England, the acts of Union, and exclusion, are butterflied. With no influx of Dutch knowledge of financial/banking, England doesn't rise to the top of that field. Industrial Revolution is likely slowed and/or is led by others. England is isolated, since they've decided to let France dominate the world.

Discard everything you know about the 18th century, and beyond, because it will be almost completely different.

Now, all that is a bit of a France wank. The other side of the coin is that Louis never met a situation he couldn't get the least out of, so it's quite possible everything is bungled. Eugene takes a cannon ball to the face in his first battle. Sweden discovers it isn't all that good on the battlefield and is defeated by a coalition of all its neighbors, who don't want a strong Sweden. The Ottomans bungle their way to a draw, leaving the Habsburgs intact. France makes gains, but (as they did so often) minimize their gains, but maximize the enmity of the world. The Dutch minimize their involvement, concentrating on preserving their ability to defend themselves. England is a mess, as James is a bull in a china closet, creating a huge turbulent mess. He's cast aside, and a regency created if he still has a young male heir. Perhaps there is no male heir, and Mary, alive in Dutch Republic, ascends the throne. William and Mary get to the same place, but no messiness of the Glorious Revolution. The power of the crown is severely curtailed no matter who takes the throne, and the new power structure looks to protect their interests against the dominance of the French. The world stage is left more or less as OTL on the eve of the WoSS. The Spanish hate the dominance of their French neighbors and refuse to accept a French candidate. Joseph Ferdinand and his mother live as the TL of the 90s is changed. They become the preferred candidate of the world, and France blunders the war. France is now surrounded by hostile neighbors who take every opportunity to knock them down. The Grand Dauphin lives, as he's in a different place that fateful day and doesn't get smallpox. He ascends the throne when XIV dies and proves that he is the idiot his detractors said he was. He bungles badly, leading France down a path of ruin.

Or, anything in between those two scenarios.
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But, accepting your scenario as valid (which is unlikely, but also isn't ASB)....
Why ?
The French/Rhineland theater is going to be over in a blink of the eye, leaving France the absolute top dog on the continent. They were already top dog, OTL, but here, they're going to be more powerful. Louis probably gets even greedier, pushing for more. The alliance against him will be weaker, so he'll get his way.
It didn't mean that. Even without the Habsburgs and England Louis XIV will still have to overcome Imperials, Spain, Netherlands and Savory. It won't certainly be cake walk. But the alliance doesn't have parity with him and is at a substantial disadvantage whereas France is comparatively much stronger.
The WoSS is a hands down French victory (IF anyone dares opposing France). With so much going differently, the Bourbon die-off in 1711/12 is likely butterflied,
Maybe Louis XIV fakes the death of Louis XV for Philip V to succeed him to create a personal union of France, Spain and most of Italy.
Spain/France will be friends (unlike OTL)
They were already friends OTL. They fought together in War of the Polish Succession, War of the Austrian Succession, Seven Years War and American Revolution
The Habsburgs are finished as a power. Prussia rises as a power, filling the vacuum left by the collapse of Austria.
Who will replace them as Holy Roman Emperors ? Prussia is ineligible because it's Protestant. Bavaria will on imperial ban. Saxony is in union with Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth.
France likely consolidates their position of extreme power and minimizes assistance/alliance to both Sweden and the Turks. France does not want other big dogs anywhere near them.
Isn't it counter productive ? France needs a counter alliance to defeat the many alliances against it. Their targets are completely different. Sweden wants control of Baltic Sea. Ottoman Empire wants to protect it's control over South Eastern Europe. France wants to dominate Western Europe.
In the unlikely event that Louis is satisfied with his gains (although, apparently Louis is a bit wiser here), he has resources and manpower to make proper colonies of New France. Say goodbye to the USA
Did he want to ? He didn't even try to create many settlements in America
. With no influx of Dutch knowledge of financial/banking, England doesn't rise to the top of that field. Industrial Revolution is likely slowed and/or is led by others.
No by 1700 England was already industrialized because Industry replaced Agriculture as the largest employer.
Eugene takes a cannon ball to the face in his first battle.
That was anti climatic
What do you think is the most likely ?
I'm a firm believer in the French ability under Louis XIV to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. They'll blunder too much to have a France Wank, but they're also too strong/capable to have everything turn to crap. I don't think the set-up is realistic, but the OP scenario sets France up nicely for the beginning. It's all about how XIV handles success. OTL XIV did not handle it well. So, put me down for somewhere in the middle. Way too many variables/PODs to make much of a prediction. I'm pessimistic on France's ability to pull off a wank.