Map Thread XXII

Lots of people crave being able to hate or punch down on others, or being able to orchestrate some witchhunt against them. Nowadays people are very humane and enlightened, so they need some excuse like "it's harmful to society!" Personally hoping someone's career crashes and burns for forgettable pop-culture nonsense is par for the course. It gets way clearer once u stop taking these psychotic reddit users for what they say at face value and realise that they are extremely psychologically-repressed, indoctrinated, oversocialised bugmen with inferiority complexes and a yearning to feel in control and powerful while simultaneously believing that being those things is bad.

In Australian schools they used to make kids read a book called Tomorrow When the War Began, which is about Australia being invaded and civilian resistance against it but never actually specifies which country actually did it on purpose (although it's implied to be some Asian power). I don't see anything wrong with that. I dunno much about the coming film itself but I'm sure you can portray the everyday life angle and human toll of a civil war without directly relating it to current politics.
I remember reading that book in school too and loved it. Was basically Red Dawn but without the red-baiting.
I think you need to elaborate a bit more. Saying that a movie director shouldn't encourage escapism whilst on an alternate history site is a prima facie pretty odd thing to say.

I view this the same way that the remake of Red Dawn made North Korea the invading enemy because it was considered unacceptable to upset China.

That's not true. And if it is true about this specific film, it's true about all fiction.

I'm talking about this specific film.

Lots of people crave being able to hate or punch down on others, or being able to orchestrate some witchhunt against them. Nowadays people are very humane and enlightened, so they need some excuse like "it's harmful to society!" Personally hoping someone's career crashes and burns for forgettable pop-culture nonsense is par for the course. It gets way clearer once u stop taking these psychotic reddit users for what they say at face value and realise that they are extremely psychologically-repressed, indoctrinated, oversocialised bugmen with inferiority complexes and a yearning to feel in control and powerful while simultaneously believing that being those things is bad.

Yes, because insulting me and accusing me of all of that over what was a hyperbolic comment is so sensible.

Also, this is not Reddit.

Anyways, I'm ending the discussion here as it's already started clogging-up the map thread more than it should have.
In as much as a film about a civil war can be non-political

made an infographic for my TL, world monarchies
The BNEE is France, right?
Also, how did you make this?
A24's Civil War
View attachment 899779
Credits: A24

Yeah, it's official...
Thank goodness, we finally have a date. It’s time we finally hashed out our differences for good.

Oh… oh, it’s just a movie. Well, darn.

By encouraging the idea that reality is to be avoided and we can't talk about the actual problems.
While I would like to agree with this sentiment in a fantasy sort of way, you have to realize that not only can violence solve any problem, eventually nothing but violence can solve very specific problems. And no, I’m not talking about any modern political sense here, nor even within the context of this film or real world “arguments.” But historic stuff? You bet that violence was sometimes the only answer.
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Gone Fishin'
made an infographic for my TL, world monarchies

Some quibbles -

'Poing-avant-garde' is a very literal translation, 'Poing d'avant garde' is much more accurate and more in line with terms I assume you're trying to evoke like 'fête d'avant garde' (vanguard party).

I don't think a woman could be Caliph of the Muslim world, if your usage of the title 'Commander of the Faithful' implies as such.

The Pope is necessarily the Bishop of Rome. Even with some heavy butterflies I think it's difficult to alter this arrangement.

Other than that, nice stuff.
Some quibbles -

'Poing-avant-garde' is a very literal translation, 'Poing d'avant garde' is much more accurate and more in line with terms I assume you're trying to evoke like 'fête d'avant garde' (vanguard party).

I don't think a woman could be Caliph of the Muslim world, if your usage of the title 'Commander of the Faithful' implies as such.

The Pope is necessarily the Bishop of Rome. Even with some heavy butterflies I think it's difficult to alter this arrangement.

Other than that, nice stuff.
Why Pope TTL is Bishop of Benevento, not Bishop of Rome?
Yeah, IOTL even during the Avignon Papacy, and the Great Western Schism, the Popes remained Bishops of Rome.
Commonwealth of Nations.png

Member states of the Commonwealth of Nations, with the colours from darkers to lighter being:
Darkest: Members of the Commonwealth of Nations Security Council (also known as the Core Commonwealth)
Darker: Members of the "Inner Commonwealth"
Lighter: Members of the "Outer Commonwealth"
Lightest: Members of the Commonwealth Free Trade Area but not full members of the Commonwealth of Nations

Commonwealth has a Secretariat lead by a Secretary-General, an Interparliamentary Assembly of delegates from national parliaments and a biennial Heads of Government Meeting and the Monarch of the Commonwealth Realms is recognized as the Head of Commonwealth as well. The Commonwealth also features a Free Trade Area as well as military cooperation aspects with the Commonwealth states that share a Great Power seat and nuclear arsenal (United Kingdom, Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand-Aotearoa and Malaysia) extending a nuclear umbrella to other Commonwealth members as well offering assistance with military training and equipment. It can be considered to be a four tier organisation, with the outermost tier being the Commonwealth Free Trade Area (as well as cultural stuff like Commonwealth Games) as Ireland, Quebec, Ethiopia and Sudan being a part of the CFTA but not participating in the military or political parts of the organisation (these states also participate in the Commonwealth Games). Then there is the proper full members of the Commonwealth. These are divided into the Core Commonwealth, Inner Commonwealth and Outer Commonwealth. Core Commonwealth consists of the 6 states that share the Commonwealth Great Power seat. These states cooperate closely and aim for full commonality of military equipment (like OTL NATO but full commonality, with joint fighters, tanks etc rather than just standards like NATO). These states also make up the Commonwealth of Nations Security Council (acting as a coordinating organ between National Security Councils, usually the deciding/planning body for any military interventions by Commonwealth centered coalitions). Other smaller Commonwealth Realms are in the Inner Commonwealth, as is New England and some other smaller states. While most of the Commonwealth is in the Outer Commonwealth (Thought Inner and Outer Commonwealths are not really official deliminations the way Core Commonwealth is because it coincides with the Commonwealth of Nations Security Council). With the Inner Commonwealth general political, military and economic cooperation is mandated. Standardisation of equipment is also a main goal. These states also sometimes take secondary part in the development of joint military systems as well. Outer Commonwealth includes some economic and political cooperation as well as some limited amount of military standardisation.

International Concord Regional Groupings.png

International Concord Regional Groups, essentially TTLs version of UN Regional Groups from OTL.
These are Latin America and Caribbean (purple), Africa (green), Asia and the Pacific (yellow), Mediterrenean (blue) and Northern Europe and North America (red).

WorldA of the Death of History, a companion to the TSM-verse. It's just a little bit dystopian.

It has been nearly six hundred and eleven years since the French and Castilian crowns agreed to a treaty of perpetual alliance and friendship. It has been two hundred and fifty years since France snuffed out the last gasps of British sovereignty. Now, it is the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Fifty-Five, and history is dead.

There are, by most counts, thirteen sovereign states in the world, barring a few tiny microstates. Every single remaining country was powerful to get this far, though some are more powerful than others...

The HOLY TERRAN EMPIRE is the final realization of Franco-Spanish imperialism. Those two Empires have long since united, and from the great mountain palaces of Andorra la Vella come decrees that define the world.

The SUBLIME OTTOMAN STATE is the only true rival of Holy Terra. The Caliph/Sultan/Kayser/Padishah/and many more rules, through a vast bureaucracy, all lands from the Gambia to the Urals, and from Venice to Muscat. Constantinople, once the Second Rome, is now the third.

The ARCH KINGDOM OF GERMANY-AUSTRIA was once a rival of the French and Spanish, but the nations have since reconciled... somewhat. In reality, Holy Terra views Austria as little more than a useful buffer. Vienna made a comeback long ago, but it only got Austria so far.

The UNITED KINGDOMS OF SCANDINAVIA knows what it did; Holy Terra will never let the Nordic people forget their treason. Scandinavia still exists, and is certainly powerful and united, but for its blasphemy and heresy, it was stripped of its colonies. Scandinavia is now distrustful of all the great powers, but may hate the Turks the least.

The COMMONWEALTH OF NATIONS is the freest state in a chained world. Poland-Lithuania federalized long ago, and now it stands as a great power. Holy Terra considers it either an ally, a rival, or both. The Commonwealth distrusts both the Terrans and Turks, but doesn't have enough history with the Bang for a negative relationship. The Commonwealth is the one country least connected to a great power.

The SECOND EMPIRE OF THE TIMURIDS carry the final legacy of the eight-century-old empire of Genghis Khan. As long as the Ottomans and China consider it useful, it will continue to exist.

The GREAT SULTANATE OF DECCAN is Holy Terra's useful satellite in South Asia. It's weaker than China in every way that can be, but stands anyway out of inertia and Terran support.

The EMPIRE OF THE GREAT BANG is easily the strangest Chinese dynasty yet. It originated from the Bengal region of northeastern India, but is now much more of a Chinese state. It is the third great power, and is treated that way.

The KINGDOM OF KOREA used to be the Empire of the Great Chao, but has fallen on very, very, very hard times. The Emperor still controls most of Korea proper, but Eastern China? Nothing but death. Korea is something of a Bang sphereling.

The SULTANATE OF MALACCA is a neutral buffer state between China and Terra, vaguely in the Ottoman sphere.

The SULTANATE OF SUNDA is a very fragmented state. After all, half its territory is Terran. It's only able to survive thanks to Chinese assurance and Terran apathy.

The EMPIRE OF JAPAN is a Terran ally. It's really not very interesting... but if it wants Eastern China, will Terra give it to them?

The UNITED SULTANATES OF AFRICA are a confederation of the sovereign states of Songhai, Funj, Somalia, and Kilwa. Three things unite them: Sunni Islam, fear of the Ottomans, and fear of Terra.

Questions? Feedback? Comments? Concerns? Thoughts? Etcetera?


Gone Fishin'

Another old piece that I hadn't uploaded separately from the wikibox it's featured in, as far as I remember - a wikipedia-style map for a country I played as in a geopolitical roleplaying game years back, a juche/gaddafi-esque yugoslavia analog in East Africa.
View attachment 899902
Member states of the Commonwealth of Nations, with the colours from darkers to lighter being:
Darkest: Members of the Commonwealth of Nations Security Council (also known as the Core Commonwealth)
Darker: Members of the "Inner Commonwealth"
Lighter: Members of the "Outer Commonwealth"
Lightest: Members of the Commonwealth Free Trade Area but not full members of the Commonwealth of Nations

Commonwealth has a Secretariat lead by a Secretary-General, an Interparliamentary Assembly of delegates from national parliaments and a biennial Heads of Government Meeting and the Monarch of the Commonwealth Realms is recognized as the Head of Commonwealth as well. The Commonwealth also features a Free Trade Area as well as military cooperation aspects with the Commonwealth states that share a Great Power seat and nuclear arsenal (United Kingdom, Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand-Aotearoa and Malaysia) extending a nuclear umbrella to other Commonwealth members as well offering assistance with military training and equipment. It can be considered to be a four tier organisation, with the outermost tier being the Commonwealth Free Trade Area (as well as cultural stuff like Commonwealth Games) as Ireland, Quebec, Ethiopia and Sudan being a part of the CFTA but not participating in the military or political parts of the organisation (these states also participate in the Commonwealth Games). Then there is the proper full members of the Commonwealth. These are divided into the Core Commonwealth, Inner Commonwealth and Outer Commonwealth. Core Commonwealth consists of the 6 states that share the Commonwealth Great Power seat. These states cooperate closely and aim for full commonality of military equipment (like OTL NATO but full commonality, with joint fighters, tanks etc rather than just standards like NATO). These states also make up the Commonwealth of Nations Security Council (acting as a coordinating organ between National Security Councils, usually the deciding/planning body for any military interventions by Commonwealth centered coalitions). Other smaller Commonwealth Realms are in the Inner Commonwealth, as is New England and some other smaller states. While most of the Commonwealth is in the Outer Commonwealth (Thought Inner and Outer Commonwealths are not really official deliminations the way Core Commonwealth is because it coincides with the Commonwealth of Nations Security Council). With the Inner Commonwealth general political, military and economic cooperation is mandated. Standardisation of equipment is also a main goal. These states also sometimes take secondary part in the development of joint military systems as well. Outer Commonwealth includes some economic and political cooperation as well as some limited amount of military standardisation.

View attachment 899904
International Concord Regional Groups, essentially TTLs version of UN Regional Groups from OTL.
These are Latin America and Caribbean (purple), Africa (green), Asia and the Pacific (yellow), Mediterrenean (blue) and Northern Europe and North America (red).
Is Cayenne a German possession ITTL?

Huh, that's a lot like the United Kingdom from This Sceptred Isle.

Is Cayenne a German possession ITTL?

Yes it is, taken from France after World War One (thought one with different sides than OTL. Germany and Russia were allied)

The timeline

Well, the link in my signature leads to a (somewhat outdated (as in I didn't include some of my newer posts in the same timeline)) an index of posts I have made about this timeline.

But to try to make a summary: Russia and Germany remain friendly into the 20th Century. 1914 sees Austria-Hungary be dismantled by Germany, Russia, Romania, Serbia and Italy. WW1 proper is from 1915 to 1918, between the Entente of British Empire, France, Belgium and Hungary vs Allies of Germany, Russia, Bohemia-Galicia (Russian client state carved out of Austria-Hungary), Romania, South Slavia (Yugoslavia but South Slavia is the term that is used ITTL). Allies win. Interwar Era has Britain experiencing a communist revolution (expanding to much of the British Empire (with the Commonwealth of Nations ITTL being a mix of the OTL CoN and Commonwealth of Independent States)) and France taken over by Action Française. France and it's allies in the Entente were the equilavent of the Axis. Britain in exile was temporarily fighting against Allies in attacking the Dutch East Indies but overall was not really considered an Entente member (having lost a war to India (which had partially gained independence in the 20s, liberating rest of the Raj in this war) and the Britannic Union (British USSR) from 1939-1940). Japan and it's clients switched from the Allies to Entente than back to the Allies (thought the last one was only technically true). US is considered a part of the Entente because it fought the Britannic Union (and Japan) at the same time Britannic Union and it's socialist allies joined the war against the Entente proper. Oh also Ottomans were neutral in WW1, CUP Triumvirate was overthrown in 1917, the Armenian Genocide being avioded as Ottomans democratised. Ottoman Empire joined the allies later being a big part of the liberation of French Africa (with inclusion of a Russian expeditionary army alongside Ottoman troops) and participating even in the invasion of Falangist Spain from across the Straits of Gibraltar. After WW2 a UN/LoN style organisation known as the International Concord was created with Germany, Russia, Ottomans, Britannic Union and Japan being recognised as Great Powers (Japan was controversial but was accepted to balance out European influence as Italy was too devastated to function as a proper great power). British Empire in Exile was not initially a member but soon after joining was recognised as a great power. Thought UK-in-Exile itself was not accepted as a member so this great power seat was through a collective seat among Dominions (later evolving into the current Core Commonwealth/Commonwealth Security Council). Later things happen in the "Cold War" years, including the rise of the Chinese Social Republic, reunification of France, dissolution of the Britannic Union, restoration of the United Kingdom etc. But like, explaining everything in detail would take a lot of time.


Monthly Donor
Lots of people crave being able to hate or punch down on others, or being able to orchestrate some witchhunt against them. Nowadays people are very humane and enlightened, so they need some excuse like "it's harmful to society!" Personally hoping someone's career crashes and burns for forgettable pop-culture nonsense is par for the course. It gets way clearer once u stop taking these psychotic reddit users for what they say at face value and realise that they are extremely psychologically-repressed, indoctrinated, oversocialised bugmen with inferiority complexes and a yearning to feel in control and powerful while simultaneously believing that being those things is bad.

In Australian schools they used to make kids read a book called Tomorrow When the War Began, which is about Australia being invaded and civilian resistance against it but never actually specifies which country actually did it on purpose (although it's implied to be some Asian power). I don't see anything wrong with that. I dunno much about the coming film itself but I'm sure you can portray the everyday life angle and human toll of a civil war without directly relating it to current politics.
You need to start Playing the Ball.
